
Adijo, Chef

V South Parku so se znebili Chefa, ker je njegov "posojevalec" glasu Isaac Hayes potegnil surlo zaradi norčevanja iz scientologije. Matt Stone, eden od avtorjev, je Isaaca sesul, da v 10 letih in 150 epizodah ni imel težav z norčevanjem iz drugih vernikov, zdaj pa je dobil nenaden napad verske občutljivosti. Pa kva, meni je tako bolj všeč Kyle. Sicer pa si lahko svojega junaka izdelaš s tole mašino (glej primer; pozor: "save as" ne dela, ko si fertig, moraš uporabiti "ctrl + alt + prt scr" in potem spopati slikico v kak primeren program).


Blogger doublemp said...

Po mojih informacijah je Hayes tisti, ki je odšel in ga niso nagnali. Res škoda. No, se je pa v njegovem pogrebu v zadnji epizodi videlo, da je bil tisti "speech" pravzaprav namenjen igralcu.


Isaac Hayes has quit “South Park,” where he voices Chef, saying he can no longer stomach its take on religion.

While not specifically mentioning the ‘Trapped in a Closet’ episode, in which Scientology was ridiculed, Isaac Hayes asked today to be released from his contract and no longer wishes to provide ‘South Park’ with the voice of Chef.

Hayes has been a member of Scientology for 14 years, but was said to be bothered by a percieved “growing insensitivity toward personal spiritual beliefs” in the media. In a statement, Hayes said:

“There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry toward religious beliefs and others begins.”

A spokesmen for Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of ‘South Park’, countered:

“Obviously, Matt and Trey are disappointed that he’s not going to be part of the show, but they’re not going to make him do something he doesn’t want to do … (however they) feel that it’s a bit disingenuous to cite religious intolerance as a reason for him pulling out of the show … Their premise is as long as you can make fun of everybody, then everybody is a potential target. The minute you start pulling punches, than the show’s reason for being sort of gets compromised.”


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